Thanksgiving is a time that so many people sit down and try to think of ways that they can give to others. This is especially important to families. It is a great time of year for parents to teach their children the importance of giving to those in need as they consider all of the blessings in their own lives. Some people give to orphans and foster children, others reach out to single moms or widows, and others desire to lend a helping hand to the homeless. A question I am sure we all want to ask ourselves during this time of year is this, "How can I truly help in a lasting way, and not unintentionally hurt?"
Scripture talks about the importance of giving materially to those in need as an act of grace. We are told to make sure to reach out with a heart of generosity in the name of Jesus as if we were serving Him personally. Those acts of grace are so important, but what a difference we could make for the long-term if we used those acts of grace as a means to build a relationship, make a connection with the people in need. What a true act of grace it would be if that plate of food that we served led to a conversation, that conversation led to the sharing prayer requests, that sharing led to the joining together to pray, and that prayer was the beginning of a friendship. What a difference that would make!!!
There are so many churches and so many people at Thanksgiving time that do acts of generosity to the homeless but never make an effort any other time of year. Because of this, it is easy for the homeless to disconnect with the people who are giving to them. The homeless person could leave the facility with a full belly, a warm coat, and a heavy heart.
This Thanksgiving, as we think of the things that we are most thankful for, such as our salvation and our family and friends, let's remember that what makes us blessed most of all is not the clothes we wear or the beds that we sleep in, but our relationships. Relationships with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and with others who truly care about us are the things we are most thankful for, and these relationships are the things that enable us to flourish in our lives. The homeless community is no different. This Thanksgiving, let us give with the same heart of generosity with which we give every year, but let us give the two greatest gifts we can offer, the gospel and our friendship.