

I could talk about the constant verbal and physical abuse that some experienced last Tuesday night. But that could lead to the conclusion that this type of lawlessness was representative of the homeless community, which it is not. Sure we have times when there are disagreements between individuals, but it is not something that can not be resolved. I am reminded that this lawlessness is every where. My next door neighbor was robbed in her garage when she got home from work. I did not need to go downtown. I could have looked out the window for a lesson in lawlessness. Just watch the news on TV for another look at our society. The homeless are constantly on guard but we are not. They know for a fact that some resolve their differences with violence. We think everyone is basically a good person and we think it will never happen to us. But it does. The Bible teaches us that we are not good but bad. It is our nature so why would anyone be surprised that some would act up downtown. They act up everywhere. Laws can not change people’s hearts, only God can. That is why we go downtown. Not to feel good after feeding the homeless in a sterile environment. But to go downtown and preach the gospel which is only thing that will change a heart of a homeless person or a volunteer.