
Locked Out

One of the difficulties we face on Tuesday nights is locked doors. It is not because Triune Mercy Center does not provide keys, but that the key holder may not attend that night. Usually it is the room that has the ice machine that is locked. When this happens we make a trip to the local Hardees across the street and beg for some ice. Since we brew tea, it is essential that we have ice to serve the tea cold. But last Tuesday, it was the kitchen that was locked. Now that is a problem. Here we were with about 40 homeless and 14 volunteers staring at the locked door. All telephone calls for help resulted only in voice mail. So naturally we turned to some skills by some of the homeless for help. With the help of a credit card and a small knife, we had the door open within minutes. I did not feel too comfortable doing that but it was essential for our ministry. Proclaiming Gospel is the center piece of our ministry, but the meals are the means to accomplish that.

We celebrated this Holy Week by reading through the Gospel of John describing the death, burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We reflected on the implication of those events for our lives today. Because He lives, we can also live too. Lee Headly was kind enough to lead us through the reading of theses powerful scriptures.

After serving 67 meals with the assistance of 14 volunteers, we had a drawing for sleeping bags. I was pleased to see one of the homeless who had asked for a blanket win a sleeping bag. The above picture is one who was fortunate enough to receive one. Even though it is spring, some of the nights are very cold and there are still needs for blankets and sleeping bags. We always welcome any who donate these items for our friends downtown.

Happy Easter.
