
Physical Needs

Many people we serve each Tuesday night are some of the poorest in Greenville. This couple is an example of those that come for something to eat and occasionally receive help with their personal needs. This week this lady explained that she had surgery and could not pay for her medications. Her husband does work as a tanner but as anyone might imagine has very little work in this field. Food for Life provided the medications she needed and the following week gave them some assistance with their utility bills.

Another concern was for someone who required transportation to the Emergency Room to enter detox. This is the only detoxification center available at night. When an individual decides to make that step, we try to provide the transportation to meet that need. Thanks to Danny, one our volunteers, for his concern and driving him to the hospital after we finished last Tuesday night.

Unfortunately, many of the problems we see can not be easily fixed with food and a ride to the hospital. Last Tuesday, a couple came in with a baby. One of our volunteers questioned them about their housing arrangements. They explained that they were living with a relative. However, another homeless man told us later that they were actually living in a large concrete pipe under a bridge. Naturally this caused great concern because a child was involved. Since we didn’t know for sure, one of our volunteers, Anthony, contacted a friend who was a policeman to check out this area to see if this couple was there with the child. Anthony stated he would not be able sleep at night without knowing that the child was safe.

We are thankful for all that serve each Tuesday night. With the help of 18 volunteers, we served over 100 hot meals. Also, Paul continued his study of Romans. We can not always meet every physical need but we can freely give spiritual food to everyone which is food for the soul for eternity.