
Updates and Prayer Requests

This past week was the first week that we met on Thursday. We will be doing that for the month of June while Paul and I have our birthing classes on Tuesday nights. We wondered if we would have a struggling number of volunteers and homeless people, but we had plenty of both, which was great! It is so wonderful how many faithful volunteers we have that are willing to make themselves available every week to help and pray for the homeless people that we are trying to reach out to, and it is really wonderful when they are so flexible. The homeless people had apparently heard that we were changing from Tuesday nights to Thursday nights because we had a really good turn out.

I wanted to give a brief update and a prayer request or two.
Paul is still preaching through Romans, but he will be finishing soon, so pray for him as he chooses which passage he should work through next.

I am still praying for the lady that I was teaching to read named Deborah. I started teaching her how to read during the winter of 2005, and I tutored her for two and a half years, but only once a week. The progress with her reading was slow, but progress was taking place for which we were thankful, but more importantly it was enabling me to have the opportunity to build a friendship with her and encourage her to make some new right lifestyle decisions. I have been praying for her that God would help her to make some particular decisions that I believe are very necessary for her spiritual growth but also for her safety.

During the time I worked with her she seemed to starting to experience some personal conviction, which made me so pleased. Then I got pregnant and was so severely sick that I missed several months of Tuesday nights, and the tutoring was impossible to maintain. I would like to pick it up again, but with the baby coming, I feel that my plate is quite full and will be getting even more full during the beginning of my new life as a mommy. Please pray for me that I will find a way to start tutoring her again and continue our friendship so that I can be helpful to her. It will have to be in the right time, which I need God's wisdom in order to identify.

We appreciate the constant prayer and support of those who read the blog. Thank you!
