
Testimony of a volunteer

There is a man who has been volunteering at Food for Life that agreed to share a brief testimony and share what God has been doing in his life as a result of his time at Food for Life. The following includes his response to some questions I asked him. I asked him to share because I felt that his testimony could be an ecouragement to our readers.

What is a brief description of your testimony? "After being raised as a church goer, but not having a real relationship with Jesus Christ, I was graced by a vacation Bible school with some local missionaries who were used by God to lead me to receiving salvation by grace, through faith and I began my relationship with Jesus at about age 12. Then in high school I drifted away and fell into serious pride and sinful habits including multiple addictions. Only after landing in prison did I "come to myself" and return to God and humbly cry out for His forgiveness. He granted that and much more. To His glory, God has restored my life and joy and I now am highly motivated to go out and serve others who may be ready to surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and become truly set free as I have become."

How did you hear about Food for Life and what made you interested in helping? "My Dad, who knows me well, clipped an article from The Greenville News about Chef Paul and Food For Life Ministries. Dad gave me this article because he knew I would find it interesting. As soon as I read it, I knew that I would want to help, but also did not know how I could find enough time to help."

How has your heart been touched by being a part of the ministry at Food for Life? "By God's grace and to His glory, I just stepped out in faith and took the time that I did not think I could afford. I showed up at one of the Tuesday Nights and was RICHLY blessed by the message that was taught from The Bible and even more blessed by seeing people live out that message. Now the most joyful time of my week is after helping to serve people in need through this ministry. Some of the people I meet think that they do not have hope, but when they find out that I was in prison and am now doing great, by God's grace, sometimes they realize that maybe there IS hope for them too. It blesses me to no end to think that God can use me in His soul saving and heart healing work."
