
My Friend Rico

One of my favorite Tuesday night friends is Rico. I thought it would be interesting to find out more about him. So last Tuesday night I sat down with him over a plate of spaghetti and asked him for this interview.
Marc: Rico, thank you for allowing me and the readers of our blog to get to know a little more about you. I guess my first question is about your name. Is Rico a nickname?

Rico: Yes, my real name is David. I never did like that name. I had a nickname of Roscoe when I was young but I didn’t like that name either because that is slang for a gun. I met someone from Puerto Rico that I had the nickname of Rico and I decided to use the same nickname.

Marc: Tell me about your background.

I grew up in Abbeville, SC. I never knew my parents but my sister raised me. She was 18 years old when I started living with her. She worked in a mill to support me. I got into some trouble and finally was sent to my brother in Atlanta. I ran away from home when I was 13 years old and got into drugs and alcohol. I was in and out of jail for almost 20 years. You know many people are in jail in their heart even though they are free on the outside and many that are in jail are free on the inside.

Marc: That is true which leads me to my next question; tell me about your relationship with the Lord.

Rico: When I was in jail there were some people that came in to minister to us and share the gospel. That is probably first time I heard the gospel. When I got out of jail I went back to drugs and alcohol but I hated it. Many times I would go to a church and look inside but I would sit outside and cry. Back then churches were always open. I was afraid to go in because I thought something would happen to me because of my sin. I decided to end my life because I couldn’t quit drugs and alcohol. I found an abandoned building and decided not to eat or drink anything until I died. I did drink some water after a couple of days. Every morning I would wake up and ask God why I didn’t die during the night. One day I woke up and got on my knees in that building and cried out to Lord and told Him that I couldn’t take it any more and asked Him to save me. When I got up off my knees I never desired alcohol and drugs again. I have followed Jesus ever since.

Marc: Thank you for your testimony. What do you like about Food for Life?

Rico: What I like the most is that all of you accept me just way I am. Also, I enjoy the food and preaching each week. I heard someone in the bathroom say “I can’t get into that preacher”, but you know the problem is not the preacher. The problem is that the person is not willing to listen and respond. I appreciate everything that everyone does each week for us.

Marc: Is there anything we as a body of Believers can pray for you?

Yes, I am having heart problems and I ask that everyone pray that I will not have any pain. I am going to a doctor and they are treating me.

Marc: All of us in Food for Life and many of the readers of this blog will pray for you this week. I want to thank you again for the interview and I will see you next Tuesday.
This Tuesday we were pleased to serve 72 meals with the assistance of 16 volunteers. Paul preached on Romans chapter 10, which is the SPIRITUAL FOOD for life.