
Humble Beginning

What would it feel like to be given a life sentence in prison and then be set free? On October 1, 2000, I was set free from prison. For 31 years, I was imprisoned by a sin nature. This is the story of God's grace.

I remember walking the streets one night with nowhere to go. None of my friends trusted me, and because of that no one would give me a place to stay. I was ashamed to call my family because of my bad choices and bad track record. My car was in the shop, and I had no money, so I just walked with nowhere to go.

One day in a park in Rock Hill, SC, I met Jesus, and He changed my life. I knew from the moment I prayed that I had become right with God. As a result of being free from sin, I went on a mission trip to Romania where I saw great need for the basic essentials of life, a tooth brush, soap, a hair brush, etc.

Soon after, God gave me the idea for "The Back Pack Minister." It was a backpack filled with all the basic essentials to minister to the physical needs of a person. I called it "a preacher on your back." As a result, a ministry was birthed.

I started a Bible study at the Carpenter Cellar Coffee Shop not knowing what the outcome would be. I only had a passion to serve people and read God's Word. It was a miracle how many people didn't come. I was a zealous man with very little knowledge, but God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. There were times that it was just me, my mom, and my dad, but I felt called to remain faithful.

One summer evening, I met a guy named Eric. Eric and I sat and talked that night in the back of the Carpenter Cellar at a round table and ate pizza. Little did I know that the next week Eric would bring fifteen homeless people off the street to the Bible study. The moment they walked in we were scrambling. We didn't have enough food or coffee, so we ran around trying to meet their needs. Mom went out to get pizza and I made coffee while Dad kept them busy. That night the homeless community became aware that we were there to serve on Tuesday nights. Within two years of that humble beginning, the Carpenter Cellar became overcrowded with the homeless, impoverished, and hungry. We fed up to 80 people a week in a space meant to hold 50. At that point we began to pray for a venue with more space, and God provided the Triune Mercy Center.

The first book of the Bible we walked through was Ephesians. We are now walking through Romans and have been serving the homeless and impoverished for the last two years at the Triune Mercy Center. Oh, the stories we could tell, the people we have met, and the needs God has fulfilled. God has given the means to not only provide physical and spiritual food, but also coats, blankets, sleeping bags, toiletries, and help with payments for bus tickets or occasional power bills, but most importantly, God has given us new relationships and the ability to see His grace upon our own lives. Whether it be the homeless, the impoverished, or the volunteers, we have made many friends and love each one. We will continue to serve God with a heart of gratitude. Where He leads we will follow.

We invite others to come and experience Food for Life Ministry. For if we sacrifice this life, our treasures will be found in heaven, where moth and rust cannot destroy.

I want to say a special thanks to anyone that God has used to further this cause. No gift has been too small. Because of the gifts given, Food for Life's 16 volunteers were able to put chicken enchiladas and fruit salad on 82 plates this week. A special thanks to God for the hot sauce on the tables.
