
Count Them

Last night we were blessed to have East North Street Baptist Church members volunteering downtown. They worked very diligently serving food and cleaning up. Many spent time with the homeless witnessing. Some of the homeless responded that they were Christians and of course everyone in Greenville are Christians. Others were more honest and wanted more explanation of Christianity such the doctrine of the Trinity which is conversation that requires some preparation. It is surprising that many of the homeless read the Bible and know it better than Christians but they just have not accepted Christ as their personal Savior.

We had 4 individuals visiting last night but they were not volunteers. They actually worked for the Census Bureau and they were there to count the homeless. Each had a clip board and they were counting while everyone was eating. Not sure why it took 4 people to count and I am not sure who they were counting. Probably half of the people that come downtown are not homeless. They are poor and live in homes but they come to get a good meal. They would be counted at their home. So are we double counting?