
The Bull Rider

Last Tuesday was the first night for our time change. Paul had decided to start an hour earlier by preaching at 6:00pm and serving the meal at 7:00pm. Judging from the crowd it looked like many were not aware of the time change, although, we did have a respectable crowd. We were privileged to serve 55 meals with the assistance of 12 volunteers.

Every week we are fortunate to see old and new faces. I am always surprised to see someone who used to attend our meetings at the Carpenter's Cellar on Tuesday nights. One was named Paris. He said he was named after the city in France. Another was from South Africa who I had to admit that I had forgotten his name. One of the new faces that came in had the biggest belt buckle I had ever seen. He told me that he had won it bull riding. He did not look like a bull rider but who knows. One individual went into the men's bathroom and took off his clothes and started washing them in the sink. We had to remind him that this was not the appropriate place for doing this. At least he was not using the sink in the kitchen.

This Tuesday, we were fortunate to have blankets because many were still in need because of the cool nights. I guess it is difficult to keep up with your bedding when you don't know when or where you will sleep each night. As usual, Paul tried to helped the ones most in need. He provided a room for the night for one individual and gave another a ride home. We try to meet as many needs as we can each Tuesday night. We are very grateful for those who provide support and prayers for Food for Life Ministries.