
Tuesday Give Away

Last Tuesday night was extra special for some fortunate folks. One of our wonderful supporters purchased 25 backpacks and stuffed them with all the necessities for life on the street. There was much anticipation during the drawing and the winners were more than willing to have their picture made. Thanks to those who made the evening an extra special time for every one.

Paul continued to teach from James on wisdom. He related that the real wisdom is the Gospel which is Christ crucified on the cross for the lost. Without this particular wisdom, we have no hope in this life or the life to come. This revelation gives us wisdom in dealing with the difficulties of life and we can truly say “count it all joy when we fall into various trials” because we know that either He will take us through or take us home. Either way, there is joy.

We made a big pot of coffee this week but most preferred either water or tea. One homeless mentioned to me that he could not drink much coffee when there is a full moon. I knew that the moon had an effect on the oceans but I didn’t know it spices up the caffeine. However, we did not have any problem serving 40 meals with the assistance of 14 volunteers.