
Who is your neighbor?

Hello friends and family of Food for life,

I want to start off this week by saying thank you. It has been quite a journey, but so many people have stepped up and given their support of Russell and his family. Only a people who realize God's kindness in their own life could give on this level. Many times people fail to remember their own state of depravity. When we forget what God has done for us, we fall into a pit of judgement. This is a picture of the kids you are supporting.

In the parable of " The Good Samaritan " a lawyer stood up and tested Jesus by asking a question. "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus said to him, "What is written in the Law?" The lawyer quoted scripture from Deuteronomy & Leviticus, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all you soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself" (Luke 10: 25). In the parable of the good Samaritan Jesus told a story of a man that had fallen pray to robbers. The Scriptures stated that the man came down from Jerusalem. He didn't give any other details other than the basics. Jesus didn't speak of the man's past, his state of mind, whether the man was a good man or bad man, or whether the man brought this upon himself. In the parable He gave three scenarios, a priest, a Levite (both community leaders), and a Samaritan. In His parable Jesus said this certain Samaritan had compassion. Then He asked the Lawyer, "So which of these do you think was a neighbor?" The lawyer replied, "The one who showed mercy." Jesus said, "Go and do likewise."

So many people have a deep issue with showing mercy on others. Mercy should be shown according to whether mercy is deserved or not. Jesus said, "Go and do likewise." What a joy it is to be free from judging others and their situations. God has treated us with such kindness. Food for Life desires to be a good neighbor. We want to show mercy. We believe mercy has been given to us.
This week one of our faithful volunteers was talking with a man. The man told him he had been trapped in Greenville for days. His home is in Tennessee, yet he had been walking the streets for about three days without clothing or food. He told a story about coming here for work, and then through a series of circumstances, became homeless on Tuesday. When I told the man we were sending him home, his face dropped and the only thing he could say was, "Tonight!" What a joy. We do this in the name of Jesus, who is one day sending us home.
This week Food for life had the pleasure of feeding 72 people with the help of 14 volunteers. Thank you to all who give their time and money to help us show mercy.
Chef Paul