
Pursue Peace

Last Tuesday night we were pleasantly surprised to see Donna. She was a homeless lady that we encountered when we first started our ministry at our present location. When we first met Donna, she was sleeping on a porch at a church in downtown Greenville. Later she lived behind a heating and air cage under the Truine Mercy building. Even though this offered little protection from the weather, it did provide some physical protection. Then in late 2006 she was able to enter a program in Anderson, SC that provided counseling and a roof over her head. One of our faithful volunteers, Sandy, has continued to stay in contact with her and this week picked her up for an overnight stay in Greenville so she could visit with all her friends in the ministry. We were so happy to see her and hear how God was working in her life. We were very thankful that she was no longer on the street and is on the road to recovery. We praise God for his mercy.

Our Bible study continued with Romans 12 in verses 17 and 18 which states; do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. This is another application for Christian living. We should pursue peace. However, it is our natural tendency to pursue anger. We are constantly pointing fingers at others but God is pointing His finger at us. In Hebrew 12:14 it states we should make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. When we pursue evil, it brings forth evil and a misrepresentation of God here on the earth. We can only get past our anger with a spirit of humility which can only come through a personal relationship with Christ. Jesus forgave those who persecuted and spoke evil of Him. We should do the same. Only then can we represent Christ to others on this earth.

We were again blessed to have a group from Word of Life Church who assisted our 14 volunteers to serve 65 hot meals. Thanks always and appreciation to our ministry friends who volunteer to cook, clean, and provide listening ears for our downtown friends. They make it happen each Tuesday night.
