
Birthday Party

Unfortunatey, I was not able to attend last Tuesday night. I am a CPA and right in the middle of tax season. It can be rather TAXing for me this time of the year to find time for other activities.

My wife, Bonnie, did attend and related to me that a youth group from Westside Baptist Church added to our group of 23 volunteers who presented a skit for everyone. The members of the youth group also helped serve 105 meals of pasta, fruit, cheese bread and rice pudding. One of the members' of this group wanted to celebrate her birthday by helping at the ministry night. At the end of the night, Preacher Paul held up a cake and everyone sang to her.

After the meal, Westside Baptist distributed bags of coats and clothes. We are always grateful for all of our volunteers and groups which come from different churches in the area to assist this ministry. Tuesday night would not be possible without the church facility and many incredible people who unselfishly give their time and donations to help the homeless and the less fortunate in Greenville.

We are always blessed to have different youth groups visit. The greatest gift that God has given us is Jesus. Then Jesus gave us each other. There are many different churches with many different walks of life attending. One thing we all have in common is a deep need for the love of God. Through Christ we can take that love to the world.
This week I shared from Romans 12:9 Let love be without hypocrisy, hate what is evil, and cling to what is good. God is a God of love, but did you know that God also hates? In order to truly love God and and each other, we must learn to love what God loves, and hate what God hates. Be blessed and see you next week!
Preacher Paul~