
On the Road to Romans

The crucifixion, the greatest sacrifice ever made for those in need, was the theme this week at Food for Life. In conjunction with Paul's teachings from Romans 12, it was decided that portions of the crucifixion as portrayed in "The Passion of Christ" would be shown instead of having a time of teaching.

Christ's brutal death on the cross must be at the forefront of our minds as we ponder Romans 12:1, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship." We must see with understanding the crucifixion, in all its gore and glory, to be able to stand "in view of God's mercy." As we understand the great sacrifice of Christ, which not only paid the price for our sin but continues to be the power that can deliver us from our daily trappings, we realize that the power of the crucifixion is necessary in all of our lives. It is the power that will deliver those who cry out to God in faith for deliverance from their addictions. It is the power that will enable an irresponsible, lazy, unmotivated street-dweller to become a hard-working, self-supporting citizen with great faith. It is also the power that will enable those of us who have been so richly blessed with earthly comforts and spiritual enlightenment to reach out to the unlovelies of the world with an outstretched hand of kindness, a hand that will not be withdrawn because of mistakes made, but one that will to continue to reach out in kindness and mercy because of the call on our lives to "share with God's people who are in need" and "practice hospitality" (Romans 12:13).

Following the heart-piercing portrayal of the sacrifice of Christ, the crowd was led in the singing of "Nothing but the Blood of Jesus." It is interesting to think about how eager we as Christians can sometimes be to move away from the old hymns and be drawn to songs that are new and fresh, assuming that the words of old cannot speak to our hearts. Yet we often find words of great depth in those old hymns, written by writers whose hearts were full of a love for Scripture and the sacrifice of Christ. "What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh! precious is the flow that makes me white as snow; no other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus."

The fragile lady that I wrote about last week came back this week. Once again she seemed broken and desperate for help. She cried and spoke of her need to get off of the street, but once again her husband, the one that should be her protector, was hovering over her shoulder, intimidating her from making helpful choices. Sandy sat with her during the showing of the movie, hoping to provide some comfort and to later share words of understanding. Last week, help had been offered, and she had rejected that help. This week, Sandy had hopes that this helpless lady would be ready to enter rehab and break free from her chains, welded together by unhealthy relationships. Yet, those chains were stronger than the hope for freedom. Before help could be given, she was gone, led astray and drawn into darkness, the darkness of the night and the darkness of sin. Please pray for her chains to be broken and for the light of Christ to shine brightly in her life. Pray that she realizes that the only relationship that she can rely upon is a relationship with Christ.

We were blessed to have many volunteers again, nearly 30, and we were able to serve 109 warm meals as an act of kindness.