
Food for Life

Last Tuesday night a first time volunteer asked me: “where do you get all the food?” I guess it does look daunting to some when they see us serving any where from 80 to 125 meals each week and, especially, since we don’t just serve enough food to keep someone from going hungry but to provide a good meal including a meat, vegetables, fruit, and a dessert. Our competition is not other “soup kitchens" but restaurants that emphasize quality and quantity.

The answer to their question is that our primary source of food comes from StreetSide Catering which is owned by Paul. Every week we raid the refrigetor and fill our van to capacity for the trip down town. After we unload the food at Triune Mercy Center, the “Sarge” in the kitchen, decides what additional food is required and then someone will make a quick trip to a local grocery store. Most of these purchases are funded by ministry donations.

Paul mentioned last Tuesday night that many have asked him if he still has a food ministry. The thing that they don’t understand is that Food for Life Ministries is not about feeding people although we do feed people. What the ministry is about is studying the Word of God. For the last 2 years, Paul has been preaching through the book of Romans verse by verse. Food for Life Ministries is about making sure everyone downtown has a clear understanding of the doctrines of the new birth, the corruption of the human nature, and the necessity of the influence of the Holy Spirit to break the power of sin in their lives. This is the food for the soul and it will provide the nourishment that will change lives for eternity. That is the real food that we freely distribute each Tuesday night. Our goal is that no one leaves hungry.


Challenges and Celebrations

Every week there are challenges and celebrations. Most of the immediate challenges each week are providing food, blankets, and clothing for homeless individuals. The above picture is one who showed up needing a coat. I noticed that he had a golf club (a 5 iron). I assume he used that for protection on the street.

Another challenge occurred last Sunday night, I recognized a lady who was attending our evening services at North Hills Community Church. Although she has been consistently homeless in the past, I was pleased to find out that she was staying with her son. One of our volunteers had taken the time to bring her to church with the promise to go with her later to the emergency room. It seems that she had received some injuries on the street and needed some medications. Bonnie and I decided to go with them to the hospital. During the inevitable wait, her son kept calling us to see when she would be returning to his house. I thought to myself “what a thoughtful son”. Although, I must admit, I also thought there may be some other reason but I didn’t know what it could be. The doctor checked her x-rays and diagnosed her injuries that justified the medication. We got the prescription filled and another volunteer took her home. Later we found out the rest of the story. The lady’s son took her medications and kicked her out of house. Net result, she is back on the street. The challenge now is to assist her with some type of shelter.

But with every challenge, there is a celebration. One homeless man has been coming downtown even though most people would not expect him to be homeless. He is clean cut and well spoken. One of our volunteers has a landscaping business and decided to hire him for a week. He didn’t need an employee but he wanted to see if he would work if given the opportunity. He told me last Tuesday night that he was amazed how well he performed during the week. He said that most would have thought that he was the owner of the business. He worked hard, was punctual and quickly became proficient with all of the equipment. In other words, he was a model employee. Now the plan is to help him get some decent clothes and some place to live so he can get a regular job. If that is accomplished, this would be something to celebrate.


Man and Children in Need

As many of you know, Food for Life has been helping a man and his three children in need as of the last few months. We were able to help him get into an apartment, and many people donated furniture and clothes. Soon after, the children's mother came to live with them, but then this week she left again. She is the one who currently gets the food stamps, and that is how they were getting their groceries. Now that she has left, they have no means to get groceries, as it takes the majority of his paycheck to pay the rent and utilities at the apartment.
We are asking that anyone who is interested in helping would donate giftcards to Bi-Lo, because their apartment is accross the street from Bi-Lo. They need the giftcards as soon as possible.
Also pray that this will be a learning experience for the father, as he is a new Christian and is learning the importance of making right decisions in his relationships. Donated cards could be mailed to our home (2903 East North St. Greenville 29615), or they could be dropped off to Paul at Streetside. We will immediately get the giftcards to this family.
Thank you,


What is your plan, the will of God?

Hey Followers of Homeless on Tuesday,

This is a copy of this weeks message. We are all on a path to know God's will for our life. So, read and enjoy God's word.

Planning can be everything, and nothing. The heart of a man has many decisions to make, but the heart of a man is also deceitfully wicked. Should we trust our heart? Many times people will tell you in the midst of hard decisions,” Just trust your heart, or follow your heart. This raises a question,

What if your heart is against the will of God, what if your heart is wrong? Truth is at the heart of God. With God it’s not just about a feeling or opinion, it’s about following truth in order to achieve truth.

The reason that the Bible tells us the condition of the heart is to remind us of the focus of the heart.

All people have Self on their heart!

Man is for the most part conniving, and scheming with a plan to accomplish. So many times their plans are foiled by the reality that God is in control. Even the Apostle Paul dealt with this. The difference with Paul was his allegiance. Paul believed in making decisions, but he didn’t believe he should make them on his own. He didn’t believe in following his heart, he believed in following “The will of God.”

22 For this reason I also have been much hindered from coming to you. 23 But now no longer having a place in these parts, and having a great desire these many years to come to you, 24 whenever I journey to Spain, I shall come to you. Making a plan is not bad! I even encourage planning. In fact, we need a balanced plan. If our plan is for the enhancement of others, yet at the same time enhances the gospel, we have planned well. If we follow according to God’s plan we also may benefit. For I hope to see you on my journey, and to be helped on my way there by you, if first I may enjoy your company for a while. 25 But now I am going to Jerusalem to minister to the saints. Paul always put the Gospel at the front of every plan; his plan was God’s glory being displayed. It didn’t matter what arena he was in. Work or play there was no separation. 26 For it pleased those from Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor among the saints who are in Jerusalem. 27 It pleased them indeed, and they are their debtors. For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in material things. 28 Therefore, when I have performed this and have sealed to them this fruit, I shall go by way of you to Spain. 29 But I know that when I come to you, I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.
Romans 15:22-29

The Apostle Paul had a plan. His plan was to preach the Gospel, but his plan was also hindered. He told the Roman Christians that he wanted to come to them by way of Spain. Paul reached Rome, but theologians are not sure if he ever made it to Spain, and we know what happened in Rome. So, what do we do when we think we are on the right track, but find out that God has another plan?

Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.

Tony Robbins

This is sometimes hard for people. If we are committed to our plan how do we leave room for God to change the plan? When I don’t know what to do, I do what I am already on track to do, and let God make the changes so I know it’s him. Don’t let change freeze you! Keep moving. When you’re going through Hell, DON’T STOP! Keep moving!

Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.

Margaret Thatcher

13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.”

James 4:13-15

The will of God for our lives is a relationship with Him through Christ. Nothing else is guarantied. God wants us to look for His will in a relationship, not a person place or thing. We get hung up in the details, and let God be the after thought. We ought to let God have the details, and we become the after thought. Put your focus on the Word of God. Get to know Him. He has not left us guessing. He tells us who He is, He is our father and He loves us.
~Chef Paul


Valuable Volunteers

I am constantly amazed at the level of participation by our volunteers. They come from different backgrounds, churches, and businesses. This week I wanted to highlight a group employed by General ELectric. One of the engineers organized a group of their employees to participate each Tuesday night serving the homeless and less fortunate in Greenville.

Many of the other volunteers not only serve on Tuesday nights but also during the week. One volunteer meets regularly with a couple of the homeless during the week for coffee. Another volunteer has spent many hours in the emergency room assisting the homeless with their medical needs. They all have shown that caring for those less fortunate is not just one day a week. Food for Life is fortunate to have those types of caring volunteers.

Last Tuesday was calm compared to the previous week. We served 108 hot meals with the assistance of 18 volunteers.



Guest Blog

I asked one of our faithful volunteers to guest blog for last Tuesday night. It was a very difficult night but I believe Anthony did a great job describing what happen to all of us.

I would have to say that since I have been going to Food for Life, tonight has to be the most emotional night for me. I picked up a buddy of mine and we made our way there. On our way we saw a woman sitting on the sidewalk with her head in her hands. I recognized her as one of the homeless woman that sometimes comes on Tuesday nights. We stopped and asked her if she’s ok. She told us that she had just been beaten by a couple of men. I got out of my truck to see how badly hurt she was and tried to convince her to let me give her a ride to Food for Life. What I saw broke my heart. She looked at me and asked me if I was going to hit her. A million thoughts started racing through my mind. I would never hit anyone or hurt anyone. I looked at her lovingly and said "no I will not hurt you". She asked me and my friend several times before we got her in the truck if we were going to hurt her and to the best of our ability we finally convinced her that we would not hurt her. On the way there I felt so overwhelmed with emotion. First of all I could not for the life of me believe that anyone would do this to a helpless and homeless woman despite her intoxication. I felt so heart broken to see her in such a state. When we arrived we helped clean her up. Another lady convinced her to call the police and then an ambulance arrived and took her to Shepherds Gate which is a place for battered woman.

Then everyone went into Triune Mercy Center and we all gathered in a big meeting room to eat and start the worship service. I got to tell you that the worship tonight was amazing. We sang some really great songs about how amazing and wonderful our God is; songs like fairest Lord Jesus and open the eyes of my heart. We sang and reveled in how awesome and how great our God is and I could not help to be reminded of how desperately we need Him for everything, and how much I love Him for what he has done for me in my life. My friend, Dan, sang a song for us that he wrote which was such a blessing, and to top it off, Paul sang a song too. But right before Paul started to pray for the meal, one of the homeless guys named David started singing a song for us and we were really taken back. It was really great. I could not believe he could sing so well and the Lord really touched my heart. Then the food was served and we all ate and had fellowship with each other. We all shared what God was doing in our lives, and we shared God to the ones that do not know him. We really had a good time getting to know each other. It really means a lot to a homeless person to have someone eat with them and just spend time talking to them. Think about it; these people are rejected everyday, all day by everyone. They are looked down upon because they are the “low life of society”. They have nothing and it is very difficult to get off the street so many often face addictions to various substances. Also, many have mental illness and fight depression. It means the world to these people that we spend time with them and build relationships with them with a simple “how are you doing” or “good to see you tonight”. It means a lot to these guys and gals that are broken and torn.

After the meal, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a lady pointing to one of the men who had just walked in. She informed me that this is one of the guys that beat up on the lady we picked up earlier. So I walked over to the guy and start talking to him. He was drunk and kept saying over and over that he wanted help or he was going to kill himself. He started crying uncontrollably, I stood there looking at him and my heart really hurt for this guy. I was very angry that he had hit a woman and I wanted to give him a piece of my mind. But I looked at him and was reminded of myself before the Lord saved me. I was at one time spiritually broken, tattered, beat down and ragged. This is what God saw when he looked at me, and he still had compassion on me and showered me with his grace and mercy, as undeserving as I was, He did it because He loved me. This guy did not deserve anything. He made his own choices that got him into this position. He had drank too much and beat up a lady. Does he deserve my compassion? Most people would think not. It’s the chopping block for him!! I looked at him and told him what he did was not right and that he would have to face the consequences. But I gave him the Gospel. I got to share with him that God sent Christ here to die in our place because we could not redeem ourselves no matter how much we worked at it. Then the police came, and as far as I know, after they questioned him, they called an ambulance and took him to the hospital. I don’t know what will happen to Becky, the lady who was beaten, and David, the man that had a part in it; but please pray that God will use this to draw them to Him. More than likely they will be back on the streets tomorrow and they will go back and get in the same situation. But God promises in 1 John 1: 9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

To tell you the truth none of us deserve God’s goodness, but he loved us so much that he showered us in his grace and mercy at no cost to us. We cannot do anything without Him; it is His strength that is perfected in our weakness. So when it comes to being involved with the homeless or just anyone, remember that God had compassion on us and that we should display the same compassion to others.